I am currently a UFT Delegate at Stuyvesant High School, and have served as Delegate or Chapter Leader in 24 of my 26 years working as a social studies teacher for the DOE. I was also elected to represent high school teachers for three years on the UFT Executive Board.

My experience has shown me that a union is strong when we collectively act in solidarity around priority issues at the workplace. A strong chapter defends our contractual rights and protects members from administrative manipulation.

But our contractual rights have been eroded in every contract since I began teaching, including loss of prep time, longer work days, and the inability to grieve letters to file. Those same contracts have brought a decrease in real compensation, with raises that don't keep up with inflation, worsening pensions, and cuts to healthcare.

Without the foundations of solidarity, democracy, and collective mobilization, the UFT will never make gains or resist givebacks. I am running with ARISE because it will build those foundations in every chapter.

I sent my child to DOE schools from pre-K through high school, and have seen the dedicated educators at every level in this system struggling against the current of underfunding and overwork. Serving our students best requires proper supports and professional autonomy. ARISE will organize to win, not give in!

Ellen Schweitzer for Treasurer