Our Platform

Pay and Healthcare

We are fighting for fair pay and raises for all UFT titles, improved pensions, to reverse healthcare cuts and expand health coverage, and for 12 weeks of Paid Family Leave. Read more about ARISE’s platform for pay and healthcare.

Working Conditions

We are fighting to protect autonomy and professionalism at work against curriculum mandates and abusive administrators, protection during probationary periods, and for more school counselors, social workers, librarians, nurses and secretaries in every school. Read more about ARISE’s platform for working conditions.

A Democratic UFT

We are fighting for a democratic union where you the members are in charge. This includes open contract bargaining and building an organizing department so that all members can have a true say over our contract and working conditions. Read more about ARISE’s platform for a democratic UFT.

Reform UFT Meetings

We are fighting to reform Delegate Assembly meetings to increase union democracy by ensuring that all proposals with enough signatures are debated, expanding time to debate proposals, guaranteeing all viewpoints are heard. Read more about ARISE’s platform to reform UFT meetings.

Partnering with Communities

We are fighting to end school segregation by fully integrating NYC schools and for a school system that is truly responsive to family and community needs. Read more about ARISE’s platform for partnering with communities.

Legislative Priorities

We are fighting for legislation that will improve the lives of educators, students, and our communities such as universal healthcare, fully funded, fully staffed schools, smaller class sizes, protection of retiree benefits, un-tenured teachers, and more. Read more about ARISE’s legislative priorities.

Social & Economic Justice

We are fighting for an increased minimum wage, student debt relief, universal parental leave, policies that promote environmental justice, against racism and its effects on the education system, and to protect undocumented and immigrant students and communities. Read more about ARISE’s commitment to social and economic justice.